Wednesday, December 31, 2003

This story is both a vindication for supporting the war and a reminder of how we've screwed up the war's aftermath. What's particularly astonishing is the level of minutiae Hussein and his henchmen went to in terrorizing suspected enemies. A bullet to the back of the head was not good enough.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and hence clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
-- H.L. Mencken

Rep. (R., Conn.) Shays brought that to mind this morning. Just like Gov. Chunky Rowland, Shays makes us proud to be Connecticut Yankees.

In Washington, here's an example of why there are so many mentions of anonymous "sources." It does not pay to be honest in answering reporters' questions.

Why now, John? "One might surmise that Ashcroft, after some time to think it over, decided that it was the wiser course to recuse himself and appoint a special prosecutor.

"You could surmise that. But then you'd be pretty stupid. So let's pass on that possibility."

Richard "I should be amply rewarded for my selfless service to this country" Perle, not satisfied with the two-front war he's created, declares war on North Korean and Iran.


Alright, already. Put him in the damned Hall so maybe he'll just shut up!

"To be a fan you had to look past the surface-level depravity to see the true, deep, real depravity underneath." I hate year-end reviews, particularly in sports, but Kaufman's is worth a read.


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