Saturday, December 20, 2003

With Qaddaffi's decision to relinquish all WMD (though it's funny that Bush didn't include Libya in the "axis of evil" or mention that he even had WMD...hmmm), Bush sure seems to be on a roll. No doubt he'll pull Bin Laden from a hat as his next trick.

Bruce Reed thinks this is just great for Democrats.

Citing his old boss, Bill Clinton, Reed writes that voters vote for the future, not the past. "That's a battle Democrats can win, even against a popular incumbent, because Bush's best days may be behind him. This White House believes timing is everything. The trouble is, sacrificing its ability to solve tomorrow's problems to gain today's headlines will leave it worse off over the long haul. Bush paid a heavy price for three years of tax cuts and one strong quarter of economic growth that may well be forgotten next November. Now the country is too broke to afford him a second-term agenda. With record deficits instead of a surplus, he has no money to propose a new round of tax cuts or a serious plan to strengthen Social Security. Bush is like the baseball team he once owned, the Texas Rangers, who spent too much on a long-term contract for Alex Rodriguez and now can't afford the new stars they need to win. As The Post recently reported, the Bush White House is desperately looking for a cheap second-term vision, and considering ideas like a return to the Moon that will leave beleaguered middle-class voters wondering whether to laugh or cry."

Two problems with that paragraph. One -- Bush and his rapacious administration will not let a little old half-trillion deficit restrain their tax cutting zeal, or their spending mania. The future doesn't matter to this administration; if it did, would Dick Cheney be the Veepee (see his obituary here)? Two -- Bush's Texas Rangers didn't sign A-Rod, the guy Bush and his partners sold the team to did. The Rangers were perennial division champs in those days; now they suck, expensively.

There's a third problem, I fear. His name is Howard Dean (thanks to Amy Sullivan for the link).

The Bush administration isn't the only collection of economic freebooters in Washington.

Speaking of Ralph Nadar, he's got a site asking for a vote on whether or not he and his massive ego should run again in 2004. Talkingpointsmemo points you there.


And speaking of A-Rod and that team that plays in a place called Arlington, Texas, I feel pretty certain that the deal will go through. Despite the wackiness of the Red Sox owner, who may have a bigger mouth than George Steinbrenner, both teams, as well as MLB and the player himself, are simply too committed. I usually support the players' union, but not on this one. Rodriguez's "devaluing" his contract will not have an effect on other player's contracts; his is in a universe all its own. Besides, he may be devaluing his contract, but by leaving baseball Siberia and moving to Red Sox nation, playing in post-season for once, possibly helping to put the long suffering team in the World Serious -- that will increase his overall value exponentially.


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