Wednesday, December 10, 2003

If this is true, then it is a sure sign that daddy has definitely told his consigliere to get in there and start cleaning up the goddamn mess.

Thanks to Atrios for this one as well...nothing is scarier than hard core leftists who, like St. Paul on the offramp to Damascus, veer hard to the right -- just look at the neocons in the White House. But Christopher Hitchens has truly become unhinged.

It's great how every few years another set of Nixon tapes gets decoded. And, I've been thinking a lot about the Nixon administration and parallels to (and contradictions with) the miserable failure...more on that later. Of course, it takes one to know one. Perhaps, though, Nixon's verdict is just another proof of Ron's sainthood.

The morally superior die young, apparently. I hate to be cruel, but was it really cancer or was it intense hatred of the Clintons that ate him up from the inside?

Finally, run, don't walk to the latest Seymour Hersh piece in the New Yorker. Well, read it if you really want to be angry and dispirited. It's not just Vietnam we're stuck in in Iraq, we've added the Gaza Strip, just for fun, I guess.


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