Thursday, November 29, 2012

Your sometime weekly Steve Forbes

Borrowing from Charlie Pierce, I thought it would be helpful to you, Loyal Reader, if I dipped in to the genuinely maladroit stylings of one, Steve Forbes -- rich, ne'er do well son of Malcolm Forbes.  A man who, while depleting the family fortune on ill-advised political campaigns in which he couldn't get himself elected to Martian dog catcher and on a magazine that now appears to be printed on used toilet paper.

In this week's installment, Mr. Forbes -- channeling inchoate rich man's rage against the Kenyan upstart who has managed to actually make the rich richer these past four years -- delves deep (do yourself a favor, don't click on that link) into BHO's soul to find nothing but smoldering anger and revenge.

But President Obama is after revenge. He’s still smarting from having to extend the Bush tax rates for two years after his party took a shellacking in the 2010 congressional elections. Moreover, he has a deep personal antipathy to people of means, particularly if they’re from the business community. He just wants to stick it to them, even if it harms the economy.
 Evidence for this deep-seated piss-off-ness on Obama's part:  Obamacare, of course.

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