Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Vote for Trot?

I get email from John Kerry.

Hope you had a terrific Fourth of July -- and I hope you'll afford me what the Senate calls a "point of personal privilege." All 3 million of you in the johnkerry.com community have done incredible work these last seven years on some of the biggest fights of our lives. This isn't one of them. But it's not small potatoes either if you're a Red Sox fan. (If you're a Yankees fan, read no further.)

Kevin Youkilis of the Red Sox is an All Star in anyone's book. He plays the game the way it's supposed to be played, he hustles, he has a great bat and a glove to match, and he brings with it the kind of intensity we respected for years in guys like Trot Nixon. Youk deserves to be in the All-Star game -- while the team has grinded it out in spite of injury after injury, he's been a rock. But now he needs to win a fan vote to make it to Anaheim next week.

Really? I guess it's not unseemly for a politician to pull for a local sports hero, but...really. And comparing Youkilis to Trot Nixon...well, sheesh. The former is a career .892 OPS, and currently holds an astronomical 1.002 OPS. He can also play 3rd as well as 1st. Little Trotman, on the other hand, was a right fielder whose career OPS was 70 points lower and had only two seasons when he appeared in more than 140 games.

And he was annoying to this Yankee fan, but I guess that was the main attraction for Boston. So, just for that, you know what to do.



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