Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pat Buchanan need not apply

Pat Buchanan was there when Nixon adopted his "southern strategy." It was a career builder for both men. And for Buchanan, it's never strayed far from his political and social outlook. His "tribe" is beset by all sides, by people of brownish hues.

That's fine, David Dukes is allowed his cramped world view; he's even allowed to profit from it politically, if voters in Louisiana so choose. Buchanan, on the other hand, profits from it be expressing his views on NBC, MSNBC, even fucking C-Span. So, I guess, if his calls for a "new tribe" to lead the forthcoming race war isn't enough for the media elites to not only condemn his views but to, ya know, not let him air his views on their programs, one must surely ask:

What makes Pat Buchanan think he's white?

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