Tuesday, January 19, 2010

After MA

No telling what will happen after the polls close in the Bay State this evening, but a couple things occur to me. A health care reform bill has passed the Senate and if Nancy Pelosi has the votes, she'll get it to Obama's desk. Of that I'm sure. And, like Ezra, not to downplay a potoential loss of a "safe" Senate seat, but having the so-called "filibuster-proof" 60 votes did not prove to be such a sure thing in passing a historic health care reform bill on which Obama and the Democrats had placed at the top of their agenda. Those 60 votes will be (or would have been) meaningless on things like Cap and Trade, Banking Reform, etc.

Yeah, I'm whistling past the graveyard.

And, about the "national implications" a Coakley loss will sure to inspire pundits to muse upon: if Jesus H. Christ himself had called Curt "Drama Queen" Schilling a Yankee fan, the Son of God would lose the state to the Devil.



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