Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The communist manifesto

History is a living, breathing thing. F'rinstance, until today, I was unaware that the Soviet Union was brought low by the Supreme Soviet's mandate of compact fluorescent lighting and Khrushchev's determination to have solar panels installed in his dacha.

As one of Roy's commenters noted, we all knew having Barry X in the White House would cause many on the Right to go stark raving mad, we just didn't know how quickly they would become boring as well.

In fact, the death of the Soviet Union has actually been a boon for neocommunists. Now, Obama and his fellow travelers like Jones, Ayers, Wright, Klonsky, and ACORN, can spout all the same totalitarian, anti-American, central-planning ideas the hard Left has always pushed, but in the abstract -- under such mushy labels as "social justice" and "green jobs." That is, they are liberated from having to defend the Soviet Empire, which, until 1991, was a living, breathing, concrete example of how horrific these ideas are when put in practice.

Oh. Kay.

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