Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The rivers bile

Yeah, the Birthers are amusingly insane.

But they grow increasingly frightening in their rage.

The birther movement is a natural combination of two political/cultural phenomena. The first is the illegitimate crowd. That is, the Beltway insiders who have played havoc with the last three Democrat presidents, painting them as Outsiders who didn't deserve to be in the White House. Carter was from Billyland and Clinton was white trash with a health care agenda and a penis. Neither of them would be accepted in "polite" Washington society. Obama came into office conscious of that, and has stocked his administration with former Congressional employees who know their way around Capitol Hill. But Obama, himself, was a 1/3-term Senator, a fact that drives batshit insane one or two prominent senators who happen to be in the rolodexes of every network and NPR producer.

The second is the White Minority Victim phenomenon, aka, White Supremacists. The fact that a black man is in the White House is so psychologically disturbing -- at a time when their societal standing -- and income -- have been eroding for years -- it drives them to a rage that makes me wonder what the Secret Service is thinking about these days.

Add to that coordinated, violent attacks on our creeping socialist experiment called universal health care and we've got quite a toxic mix. Can draft riots be far behind?



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