Monday, June 08, 2009


Yes, Ed Whelan is a dick. There really isn't a whole lot more to say on the subject. I strive very, very hard not to run afoul of my employer when I blog, and I self-censure in an attempt to avoid topics that concern my employer's business. But...I recognize that my politics tend to run a little to the left of most of the people for whom I work. So, I choose to post anonymously. It's not because I fear that my family and friends will find out that I regularly write incomprehensible blather. They're well aware of that by now. It's because I like my job and the benefits that come with having one, and because I don't want to make uncomfortable the people with whom I work based on my politics.

To "out" a blogger who chooses anonymity, and thus threaten that blogger's livelihood, is reprehensible. Ed Whelan is paid to be a willful asshole. Publius provides thoughtful analysis as a hobby.

UPDATE: Whelan proves himself to be not so much a dick as he does the right thing.

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