Saturday, April 18, 2009

Extreme reactions

The Times' Opinionator blog has a fairly good rundown of reaction to the tax day of rage out there. I do wish Harshaw had done a little better job at, ya know, reporting on how astro-turfy these protests were and that their very protests over Obama's "tax increases" are based on falsehoods and probably covering their fear of a black president and the specter of Islamasocialism, there's no denying that a lot of people went. And while many of them can be ridiculed for angrily protesting "higher taxes" even as they themselves sip at the government trough, the fear and anger are certainly real.

Their protests may be bullshit, in other words, but we've seen other progressive moments derailed by a combination of events (losing wars) and this type of controlled hatred and fear of dark people gaining power.

Oh, and I don't ever recall the Right being outraged by protesters being arrested and kept in pens for days during the GOP convention. Fainting at the mere thought that DHS may be a tad concerned over anger at a black president is a bit much.



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