Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hit me baby, one more time

Via alert reader, Kathleen, we find this sad and terrible story of the wife of an AIG "geek," whose husband was abused, screamed at, worked 24/7 and not permitted to read bedtime stories to his kids as they settled in their "modest house" in Connecticut.

And when the guy who had done all the screaming and abusing -- one Joe Cassano -- asked her husband to relocate to London her response was "When and how."

These people are strange. Very strange.

They say they don't want our sympathy or our pity. But they have mine. Not because they lost their job or their bonus (which in this case, they didn't) or because Andrew Cuomo is all over their asses. But because they are like abused spouses who are still pining for the guy who beat them up every day.

I do appreciate the irony that the husband complains that his 401k has crashed. Damn shame, that.

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