Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So many mistakes, so little time to report them

EDITOR'S NOTE — Tom Raum has covered Washington for The Associated Press since 1973, including five presidencies.

I guess the AP felt they needed to make sure readers know how seasoned a reporter Tom Raum is, following his non-story about how poorly the Obama team is at vetting their cabinet nominees. Never mind that the Richardson issue passed without so much as a raised eyebrow from...anyone. And Geithner's IRS issues seem to be that he paid the taxes when the IRS billed him two years ago and paid some more when the vetting team identified more that he owed.

WASHINGTON – At the end of a nearly seamless transition, President-elect Barack Obama has been buffeted by a string of embarrassing jolts within the space of two weeks.



Late Tuesday, Republican Sens. Jim Bunning (Ky.) and Jon Kyl (Ariz.), both Finance committee members, blocked Baucus's request to proceed with a Geithner hearing on Friday. But few GOP senators seem prepared to vote against the nominee, currently the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Bunning and Kyl seem unaware that we're in the midst of an economic crisis, but never mind.

UPDATE: The AP is really on a role roll today!



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