Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The curse

Well, I'm not sure the Phillies were "cursed" because they hadn't won a World Serious for a mere 25 28 years, but otherwise, Rollins has a point.

PHILADELPHIA | 11:17:25 p.m. Philadelphia, wassup?

That’s how Philadelphia Phillies shortstop Jimmy Rollins greeted a crowd in Marconi Plaza in South Philly a few moments ago. Mr. Rollins was on the squad that won the World Series last week, ending a 28-year championship drought here.

“Are we ready to celebrate one more time?” Mr. Rollins asked. “You know tomorrow’s a big day, tomorrow’s a great day, an opportunity to make history again. We’ve taken the curse off by winning the championship. It’s time to take the curse off America. It’s time for a change.”

He noted that Philadelphia was a battleground state before introducing Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., who grew up in Scranton, Pa., and has lived in neighboring Delaware for decades.

“People in Pennsylvania love a good fight,” Mr. Rollins said. “Let’s go out and fight.”



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