Friday, September 05, 2008

The future of the Republican party

I received a survey from the National Republican Senatorial Committee, in which my participation Is "vital to our Party's and America's future...

...and I must get your opinion on the most pressing issues facing our country today, such as

  • Should we give amnesty to illegal immigrants?
  • Do you believe that Democrats have won a mandate to set our nation's agenda?
  • Do you believe the United States needs to immediately scale back the War on Terror?
  • Should we make the Bush cuts permanent?
To which I responded -- as a 65 year old semi-retired man who never uses the Internet and DOES NOT have an email address -- No, No, No, Yesssssss!

Anywhoo, in the survey section entitled "Future of the Republican Party," we find this question:

Do you believe that voters have turned away from the principles and ideals of the "Reagan Revolution" -- lower taxes, smaller government and a strong, proud America?

We've turned away from them.

Now, get offa my lawn you goddamned community organizer.



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