Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I am not a political journalist. I'm a humble blogger with a memory laid waste by the ravages of time and a penchant for a plethora of vices.

But even I recall this stuff. Why can't the people who are, you know, paid to cover this shit remember what has happened in the not so distant past?

No, I'm not that naive. I know the answer. It's because it is a beltway sport to make fun of Sen. Clinton as fat, shrill, and power mad and to paint the Democratic nominee as a castrated pussy.

I expect Clinton's speech tonight will be an emotional thanks to her supporters and full-throated support for Barack Obama. The real "drama" will be seeing how the TV pundits twist and turn to cram it all into their prepackaged narrative box.

Via Digby.

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Blogger Michael Drake said...

It's like Groundhog Day. In reverse. Or something.

9:25 PM  

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