Friday, January 04, 2008


I still don't think McCain can win the nomination -- campaign finance will always tar him as some sort of sixties radical for a lot of people. But he's had no problem getting help from the big money behind the Swift Boaters of 2004 (read the whole thing), and, for the moment, it doesn't appear Romney's going to be able to buy an election. Anyhoo, Matt Yglesias has some thoughts on everyone's favorite napalm delivery guy.

The dilemma is, of course, the national press corps acts collectively as a campaign volunteer whenever he's covered. But, should Obama's fortunes continue to improve, he may be able to negate a lot of that stuff. Obama and his wife may treat the press as the nuisances they are, but it would be hard for them to create the kind of narrative about him that they used to help do in Al Gore.



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