Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Outrageous fortunes

Ah, the exquisite Blog Report. It's not just Iraq, the EMESSEM is biased against the Stock Market as well.

Brent Baker at NewsBusters contrasts MSM coverage of the Dow's 281 point decline on Friday with the 287 point rebound yesterday. On Friday night, "ABC and NBC teased full stories on the 281 point plunge that day in the Dow Jones average, but on Monday, after the Dow [fully] rebounded. . .in the biggest one-day gain in five years, the networks limited coverage to a few seconds.

The networks depicted Friday's drop as symptomatic of fault lines in the economy. CBS and NBC provided no explanation for Monday's rebound; ABC suggested that it had to do with lower gas and oil prices.

The market goes down 281 points one day, up 287 the next...I'd call that a pretty turbulent market on the eve of the Fed meeting. So that's what they report.

In a similar vein, it was dreary, overcast, and humid in the region yesterday. Today, it's going to hit about 95 very humid degrees. But just watch; I'll bet the EMESSEM won't report that the sun is shining!



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