Tuesday, July 24, 2007

And here I thought it was the jimson weed

Brad DeLong thinks conservatives have gone barking mad and quotes Jonathan Chait:

[I]t's certainly true that conservatives today are more divided than liberals about whether the Iraq war has been a fiasco.... Conservatives see their split on this proposition as evidence of intellectual acuity. I see it as evidence that roughly half of all conservatives are barking mad. On last year's National Review cruise, as Johann Hari reported in these pages, Norman Podhoretz called the war "an amazing success" and insisted that "it couldn't have gone better."... Maybe it's the blind Bush hatred talking, but I'm not terribly embarrassed that liberals are united in rejecting this notion.

What explains the right's insufferable need to declare philosophical victory at all times?... [T]he natural insecurity that comes with being conservative in a scholarly milieu. If I were an academic or a writer who made his living defending a party that routinely wins elections by appealing to rabid anti-intellectualism, I'd be a little defensive, too. But... conservatism is more of an ideological movement than liberalism.... Like communists, conservatives have a tendency to believe that every question can be answered by referencing theory. Berkowitz, for instance, describes the conservative debate over the war as one of pure philosophical abstractions: Defenders of the invasion, he writes, believe in "planting the seeds of liberty and democracy in the Muslim Middle East." Whether or not the war actually has accomplished these ends is not an issue of much interest...[sic]

Oh, by the way, that Panglossian Podhoretz mentioned above...guess who he works for.

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