Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Gore and the immorality of unwanted babies: The logic is unassailable

Well, he uses latin in his masthead so he must be really, really smart, but...

First it was Al Gore and his pompously self-righteous promoting the purchase of medieval indulgences - oh, sorry, "carbon offsets" - to forgive environmental sins. That way, Gorezilla can indulge in his unusual attraction to high-tension power lines and consume vast amounts of electricity while still pretending he's an environmentalist. Now Germany has taken a step back to the good, old middle ages as well. They are doing it with something called a "Baby-Klappe". This is similar to the arrangement most libraries and banks have for dropping off books or deposits. A slot to drop things through. In Germany, this means mothers can drop unwanted babies into these "night depositories" and walk away from them.

Good lord.

Someone who uses "Gaius" as his posting name should not be calling others "pompous." That said, the ongoing obsession with Gore has now achieved new depths in wingnutophobia. But I get it: Gore's environmentalism and Germany's preference to have unwanted babies (usually of women in sex slave rings, authoritative patriarchal societies, and others who simply can't bring the child "home") delivered to a safe place rather than a dumpster are all signals that we are on the verge of a return to the Dark Ages. Brilliant.

Nevermind the fantastic bit of projection going on when a conservative accuses Al Gore of wanting a return to the Middle Ages.


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