Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Um, no shit, Sherlock.

Actually, on one infamous occasion Giuliani did play the religion card. That would be when he tried to revoke the Brooklyn Museum's city funding because it had an exhibit that featured a non-traditional depiction of the Virgin Mary. Giuliani demagogued this silly issue to appeal to his outer-borough white Catholic base. I think it supports Mike's point: Giuliani's a panderer on social issues and if he's elected with support from the Republican Party, he'll pander to them in office.

Unlike George W. Bush, Giuliani doesn't necessarily agree with the wingnuts he's currently pandering to. However, like the Boy King, he's interested in only one thing: absolute power. In that sense, he's really more like Cheney. Social issues are out there to be taken advantage of and used. If saying he'll appoint "strict constructionists" signals to the religious right what they want to hear, then fine. The bigger picture is amassing power and control. The rest are just table stakes.

And trust me, a Giuliani presidency will not be pretty. If you think he could be tough on ferret affficianados, imagine what he'll do to anyone trying to get in his way of eliminating civil liberties in the never-ending battle of the War on Terrah.


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