Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Digby has a whole slew of hand-wringing denunciations of Adams Apple Annie across the wingosphere. Her sin, as we all know, was that the shrieking harpie dared to call the widows of men who died on Sept. 11 2001, rich, self-serving liberals.

Yes, she's gone too far this time, it would appear, even for those who had no problem when she regretted that Timothy McVeigh had not blown up the NY Times building, when she suggested that we forcibly convert all Muslims to Christianity, or when she proposed imposing the death penalty on liberals. But, this post is particularly precious in its sympathy for the widows:

Ace of Spades:

this nastiness is uncalled for. Even if something is actually felt deep inside -- even if you're filled with toxic hatred for very annoying, very presumptuous, very left-leaning women with an overweening sense of entitlement -- most people would find less abrasive ways to express such an emotion. Does that mean that Ann is just more honest than us "nancy boys"? Not really. A lot of the time the excuse of "I was just being honest" is just a code for "I'm basically an inconsiderate [butthead] who cannot be bothered to modify my behavior in even the slightest fashion in order to observe basic conventions of social decency."


It is good to know that, between Cheetos feedings, they are being exposed to "basic conventions of social decency" even in the bowels of their mothers' basements.


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