Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Wonky Tuesday: making a list...for the common good

I think Duncan Black's list of what liberals believe -- at least on the domestic front -- is fairly spot on, and like Kevin Drum, I don't think it's all that far to the left of what centrist Dems believe (that said, I'm not sure these days what centrist Dems believe).

I certainly think that a concrete list is more valuable, and will be more effective with confused voters, than airy fairy shit like "the common good." Because Kristol, for once, is right, voters don't consider deep philosophical questions.

And while I agree with Black, that even though his list doesn't include any foreign policy issues, our stance is, basically, put the adults back in charge, it worries me that we dance around the issue of Iraq and "the war on terror." Mid-term elections aren't likely to be focused on what some Congressman wants to do to get out of Iraq, but the Republicans are going to continue focusing on the supposed "threat to the homeland." Ignoring that -- not taking a stand -- is to our peril. So, I'd add, in no particular order:

* institute a real plan to improve safety at our ports; every cargo container should go through a monitoring device -- remind voters that for the past five plus years, the GOP has basically done nothing, with the excuse, "It's just too hard."
* force the chemical companies to suck it up and improve safety at their plants, starting with those just upwind of Manhattan -- ditto above talking point
* fire Karen Hughes...yesterday...and restore funding to Voice of America
* stop the practice of doing everything we can to hamstring German and other European prosecutors when they try to put known terrorists behind bars -- if that means we're going to have to have a real debate about our use of torture, then so be it
* stop the musical chairs game in our intelligence establishment
* investigate the corruption of our defense contractors, particularly those in Iraq -- and demand the Pentagon fix the problems

Just a few to start with. Sure domestic issues are important, and it's where Dems have a natural advantage, but if we can't make the case that the Republicans have been just as incompetent in protecting this country from another attack...and offer an alternative...I fear we'll be making Rove's job easy come November.

And as mentioned above, let's start the "'It's just too hard' is not a plan" campaign slogan as soon as possible.


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