Sunday, March 19, 2006

"Somos los campeones"

I love the Cuban team. They're fun to watch, playing with all of their emotions worn proudly on their red, Commie sleeves. They are a natural convergence of baseball and politics...what could be better for the Vega?

And they strut as if saying, "We may be oppressed, and our livelihood depends on keeping Fidel well-pleased, but we still play with fierce pride."

"Baseball is not judged by the price of the athletes but by the heart of the people," Cuban left fielder Frederich Cepeda said.

The print edition of the Times has a great photo essay on the folks back home, piling in front of old TVs watching the games played in the States. It's a rebuke to the lack of interest in this country. Sad. Used to be our national pastime. I guess Cuba can claim that now. And, for that matter, the Dominican, Venezualia, South Korea (whose players were rewarded for making the semi-finals with a pass on their mandatory national service), etc.

Japan versus Cuba should be innarestin' (and low scoring, if the pitchers' performances thus far are any guide).

I believe Ichiro is now the only MLB player still in the series.

UPDATE: Oops, forgot about Akinori Otsuka (and by "forgot," I mean, "never heard of").

UPDATE II: Low scoring, eh?


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