Thursday, August 11, 2005

Mining for something

Getting cynical, I guess, but in reading this story I couldn't help but wonder what sort of agenda was (or agendas were) behind it.

Mr. Weldon has accused the commission of ignoring information that would have forced a rewriting of the history of the Sept. 11 attacks. He has asserted that the Able Danger unit, whose work relied on computer-driven data-mining techniques, sought to call their superiors' attention to Mr. Atta and three other future hijackers in the summer of 2000. Their work, he says, had identified the men as likely members of a Qaeda cell already in the United States.

In a letter sent Wednesday to members of the commission, Mr. Weldon criticized the panel in scathing terms, saying that its "refusal to investigate Able Danger after being notified of its existence, and its recent efforts to feign ignorance of the project while blaming others for supposedly withholding information on it, brings shame on the commissioners, and is evocative of the worst tendencies in the federal government that the commission worked to expose."

Is it to undermine the de-commissioned 9-11 Commission which contiunes to put pressure on the administration? Weldon's data mining obsession agenda? Interagency politics? Kevin Drum has more information.


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