Friday, December 17, 2004

They wanna throw granny out on the ice flow, dammit

The normally reasoned, rational Publius gets downright SHRILL.

Agreeing with Digby that the fight for Social Security will hinge on emotion, not reason, Publius writes,
That is absolutely right. While I normally try to be rational, as a matter of political strategy, there's a very simple strategy that the Democrats should adopt - DEMAGOGUE THE HOLY SHIT OUT OF THIS PROPOSAL. Scream. Accuse. Attack. Crush them with it. Do as you have had done unto you. Maybe you might win something.

Many a Republican has suffered political death attacking the foundation of the New Deal. It could happen to the modern GOP too. The Democrats can't let up. This the best opportunity they will have to win back something (anything) in 2006.

And one more thing - if the national Democrats sell us out and abandon the safety net that our seniors have enjoyed for 75 years (and the values underlying that safety net), I'm through with them. I will renounce my membership in this party. I'll go with Dean if he leaves the party, or with someone else if he doesn't. I watched this party roll over for the war, and it almost caused me to leave. Social Security would be the last straw. I would be outta here - and I'm pretty sure I'd have some company. Better to lose for ten years while building something new than continue support cowardice and patheticness.


But getting back to Digby, he recently took us back to the thrilling days of yesteryear, with a story of how the GOP strangled the Clinton Healthcare plan in its crib. It is a pretty good template for how the Dems need to battle Bush's stealth plan to kill off Social Security.

That said, Bush has gotten a running start, taking advantage of the Congressional recess and a Democratic party that still seems unable to call a spade a freaking shovel. They should be out there, everyday, shouting that Bush doesn't want to "fix" SS, he wants to kill it and replace it with a plan designed to allow the wealthiest Americans to reduce further the taxes they pay (those pikers who still pay wage taxes, anyway), and to eliminate the very vestige of a safety net in this country. And he wants to do it without telling the American people how he's going to pay current benefits while we wait for the wonders of the Market to catch up.

They should also remind Americans that SS is not a 401k, nor is it intended to be. It is not a retirement plan. It is there for you if you get sick or injured and can't work any longer, not just when you hit 65. Nowhere have I seen how Bush's "plan" addresses that.

Bush thinks SS is no longer the "third rail" of politics. But he hasn't yet tried to cross the tracks.


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