Monday, December 27, 2004

Now is not the time for debate

The outgoing chairman of the preznit's council of economic advisors sends Michael Kinsley a polite e-mail, explaining that "now is not the time for an on the record debate" regarding privatization.

These people are unbelievable.

As Josh Marshall notes, Bush & Co. intends to follow the model they used in the run up to the war in Iraq to sell the public on privatization. After all, the threat of a Social Security "crisis" is as imminent as that mushroon cloud eminating from the minarets of Baghdad.

Marshall points out that we're now in the fear mongering and lying phase. If we wait any longer for debate we'll end up in the "why do you hate America" phase, at which time debate will be impossible, with the press paying no attention and the right making the usual claims that we either have our heads in the sand or want to coddle dictators, in this case, the dictatorship of the bourgeoise that is Social Security.


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