Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Our Lady of Kraft Singles

Those godless heathens at e-Bay had the gall to deny the well-known transubstantiation of the Virgin and a grilled cheese.

You really must see it to believe it.

Duyser thought eBay would be the best place to show off the sandwich, made on plain white bread with American cheese. It was cooked with no oil or butter.

Duyser thought that last bit of information was important, for some reason.

Duyser, 52, said she took a bite after making it 10 years ago and saw a face staring back at her from the bread. She put the sandwich in a clear plastic box with cotton balls and kept it on her night stand.

It doesn't say if she lives alone or not. I'm guessing the former.

At first, she was scared by the image, "but now that I realize how unique it is, I wanted to share it with the world," Duyser said.

But Diana, for this to be the Mother of God, a miracle of some sort would have to be associated with it.

The sandwich, she added, has never sprouted a spore of mold.

Well, there you go.

I know we liberal elite are supposed to have been chastened by the vote on Nov. 2, and learned not to laugh at or otherwise condescend to our red state brethren, but I'm fairly confidant I can guess for whom she voted for preznit.


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