Friday, October 29, 2004

Blank Slate

I've been stewing ever since I read the "endorsements" made by Slate editors for Kerry earlier this week. They basically followed the tired old meme of, "Bush is an atrocity. Kerry is a pompous opportunist, but I guess I'll hold my nose and pull the lever for him. Using my other hand, of course."

After reading some of the drivel served up by the editors (not all of them -- see Dahlia Lithwick, for example -- but a significant number) I suspect they're using their hand to pull on a lever, alright, but it ain't in a voting booth.

Republicans line up to drink the kool-aid and stand, glassy-eyed like flesh-eating zombies in the presence of the preznit. They declare -- angrily -- that he is the greatest president, nay, greatest man since Christ (and Christ was the Son o' God, so what does that make W?). Meanwhile, members of the Democratic punditocracy sniff contemptuously of their candidate. "Well, we had to choose someone, such a shame that he doesn't measure up to me."

So I've been heartened by the blogosphere's general denunciation of the Slate editors and their attitude, which is an odd mixture of elitism and defeatism. Bérubé puts it best, I think. I won't quote him. Go read it. As he notes, though, the good news is that the cynical jerks at Slate and other "liberal institutions" like The New Republic will keep us bloggers busy long after Kerry wins.

Or go read RudePundit, who, using language I'd blush to see here at the Vega wonders why the Shrum-driven Kerry campaign has been so afraid to push Kerry's remarkable accomplishments since he returned from Vietnam.


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