Tuesday, August 03, 2004

"Political? How dare you call this political?"

From Tom Ridge, director of Homeland Uber Alles:

Now this is the first time we have chosen to use the Homeland Security Advisory System in such a targeted way. Compared to previous threat reporting, these intelligence reports have provided a level of detail that is very specific. The quality of this intelligence, based on multiple reporting streams in multiple locations, is rarely seen and it is alarming in both the amount and specificity of the information.

You bums in the press keep complaining we just throw out vague warnings for political advantage; that there's no specificity. You want specificity, I'll give you specificity.

Senior leadership across the Department of Homeland Security, in coordination with the White House, the CIA, the FBI, and other federal agencies, have been in constant contact with the governors, the mayors, and the homeland security advisors of the affected locations I just named.

We have talked with the executive leadership of the companies that own these businesses and operate these buildings - the people who know these facilities best. We have told them that, at this time, there is no information that indicates a specific time for these attacks beyond the period leading up to our national elections.

Because, as you all know -- and as the president has said -- who cares about the period following our national elections?

There is much we can each do to remain vigilant, to be on watch, to be aware of unusual patterns or vehicles, and to report suspicious activities. And so this afternoon, I ask our citizens for their watchful eyes as we continue to monitor this situation.

For instance, if you see any dark skinned photographers with funny names trying to photograph the vice-president, alert us immediately.

But we must understand that the kind of information available to us today is the result of the President's leadership in the war against terror. The reports that have led to this alert are the result of offensive intelligence and military operations overseas, as well as strong partnerships with our allies around the world, such as Pakistan. Such operations and partnerships give us insight into the enemy so we can better target our defensive measures here and away from home [sic]

In fact, it was the president's threat to break every one of Musharraf's fingers if he doesn't start delivering some good news between now and the election that led to these stunning revelations. We expect more, really, really soon.

The terrorists should know, in this country, this kind of information, while startling, is not stifling. It will not weaken the American spirit, it will not dampen our resolve, for our resolve is indivisible - and unyielding - which is a weapon infinitely stronger than the plots and the plans of those who wish to do us harm.

Al-Qaeda wants to intimidate us and prevent us from enjoying our lives and exercising our freedoms. And yet, liberty has no greater protector than the collective will of the American people. So, together let us take inspiration from this strength, and use it to our utmost to keep our great nation safe and free.

In fact, if you're not with us, you're against us.

Why would anyone think that this announcement was political, or in any way politically timed?

"Reports That Led to Terror Alert Were Years Old, Officials Say"

"Officials unsure whether casing of buildings has continued."

For Howard Dean to insinuate such things, is a clear sign that he is unhinged.


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