Tuesday, August 10, 2004

It's getting hot in here

It was 85 degrees last night in Port Angeles, Washington. Madame Cura and I stayed in the "Memories" Room (not a suite) at a motel overlooking the Victoria ferry landing. There was no a/c, not even cross-ventilation. A sweltering night...but this morning...wireless internet.

What a country!

And it's getting hotter in Washington DC as well, particularly for reporters who were used by the Bush administration to act as proxy thugs in their campaign against Joseph Wilson and his wife.

I don't have a lot of First Amendment sympathies for these reporters, as I do think reporters have a responsibility to not simply act as tools of politicians' spin machines, particularly in this case, where the potential damage to careers and, potentially lives, was very real. But why isn't Robert Novak behind bars?


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