Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Staying the course in Iraq...right into the ditch

Bill Kristol, on the Daily Show last week, openly stated that Bush "drove us into a ditch." He was laughing as he said it, but that's the most pointed critique of Bush by a conservative I've yet seen.

And he's right, as underscored by this post from Joshua Marshall, an e-mail from a retired military intelligence officer now working as a security contractor in Iraq.

He describes the U.S. Army, an institution he loves, as dysfuntional now, 1968-style.

The course is, depressingly, no longer stayable. But as Krugman writes today, when we declare victory and get out of Iraq, we will have lost prestige, but avoided ruin.

I also think Josh is right, here, in suggesting that Kerry let the fight come to him now and let events spin on their own.


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